Friday, May 16, 2008

Pink Eye

Again?  There must be something in the water which gets on my contacts and infects my eyes.  This is the third time since December I've got the infection.  That's why the PC strongly recommends not wearning contacts, but my lifestyle does not allow glasses.  Running, soccer and even my classroom activities would be negatively affected.  Maybe it's just my body is not used to working in a school.  Maybe it's the fact that I went to bed at 5am after my first Ukrainian wedding experience last night/this morning.  Why I thought I could teach the day after is a mystery to me.  Worst of all, there's a teachers meeting in a few minutes which means an hour or two of reports and suggestions and I will probably not understand (not only because of the language). 
The wedding (actually I just attended the reception because the wedding was only open to family) was spectacular.  Gifts, giant bread, toasts, eating, dancing, games, and repeat.  10 hours of eating, drinking and dancing, and I came to school today, that's dedication.  The bride was stolen and the groom had to collect money to buy her back.  The groom washed the bride's parents feet and then beat their feet with nettles.  There was a wall full of balloons and each one had a houshold task/priviledge.  The bride and the groom took turns popping the baloons to see what tasks would befall them in the future.  There was lots of traditional singing and really fun circle dances. 
Totally worth the pink eye.  The only drops my town has really sting and leave white crusty stuff around my eyes.  Got to buy the better drops the next time I'm in a city.  Well, it's that time.  Glad it's friday.  I might go to sleep tonight before it's all the way dark.  Days already long.  Today is actually hot.  Seems like a really quick change from cold to warm.