Saturday, October 6, 2007

My new home

I'm finally settled in, mostly.  I will be doing my first 3 months of training in Kivshovata, a town with 2250 people on the south side of Kyiv Oblast (oblast=province?)
The people here are very nice, they have never seen americans, there are 4 other americans in my town, and we are called a cluster, a system for imersion language training.
we learn ukrainian for 4 hours every day, but some days we also student teach, do cross cultural classes, go on field trips, and try to put our language into use by doing interviews and community projects.  I am in a neghboring town today because mine does not have internet or even phone lines that can go international.  I am still working on figureing out how to set up my phone with the new electricity and find a chord to get dial up internet on my host family's pc
My family is cool, dad, mom, brother (he's cool and 14)
I can't wait to know the language better to find more in common.  Incoming calls as soon as I do set up my phone are absolutely free for me to recieve, and my mailing address is
U.S. Peace Corps Ukraine
PCV Jesse Josef Bartels
P.O. Box 298
01030, Kyiv
well I am running out of internet time, and must do many other errands before I return to my village.  Pictures are coming soon.