Friday, December 28, 2007

December 27th

Who would think on a day that I slept in, didn't go to school till 11:30, and had nothing planned except to see my possible future apartment, I would have so many thoughts?   Of course I don't have the patience to formulate them into a coherent essay, so here comes random rapid fire.


The young English teachers are really anxious to be good hosts, catching me as I finished my internet session yesterday to ask if there was anything they could show me in the community, anything the could help with, anything I wanted.   A really nice gesture, and I wish I had been more on my toes and in a thinking mood, but the internet always leaves me melancholy and worn out.


My new office used to be occupied by a senior Ukrainian teacher.   I feel bad taking her space, and none of the other young teachers have their own work space.  But the way that the senior English teacher explained it is that I am their guest, and everything is for the guest.   I don't deserve that sort of treatment, but Ukrainian people are generous, to the point of incredulity.  People will offer time they don't have, food they can't afford, and anything else they can think of.   Everything for the guest.  How long will I be the guest?  After realizing that I didn't want to try too hard to get out of that office, because I actually really appreciate having a work space that is mine, I can shut the door, work in solitude, silence, I offered to at least share it with two or three other teachers, but they said that wouldn't work because then all of the teachers would want to have a semi private office.   So here I am, not even having tasted salt water, they don't even know if I teach English good, and I'm up on a pedestal, the honored guest. 


Since I ran out of English books, the elder Hanna offered to lend me some of hers.   Hadn't heard of the authors, but apparently everyone in University studying English were required to read them.  Then I went out on my own the music school, just walked in and started exploring, each door labeled according to what instrument was taught there.   Just as I found the door that said скрипка (violin) out walked Marta, one of the three violin instructors here.   She was wonderful, taking me over to the other building and introducing me to the director and other string instrument teachers.  I simply wanted to meet some musicians and perhaps find an opportunity to play for fun.   They apparently do have a piano quartet, but of course the worldwide viola shortage has also struck here.  I offered to play viola, but they don't have one.   Tomorrow I am going to meet with them at a less hectic time, and Saturday I will observe some sort of concert.  The director gave me the conductors phone number in сокал (Sokal), where there is an actual orchestra, of some sort.   Ideally I will create or join some sort of chamber music group here in town, to avoid the 45 minute trip to сокал. I am very excited with the possibilities that opened up so quickly.  Musicians are wonderful.


One major preplanned event today was a visit to my potential apartment.   One of the English teachers owns it, and is going to move into her mother's apartment so that she can rent it out to me.  Actually, the school is supposed to provide me with housing, but apparently can apply to the PC for some money, which I'm sure they're doing, or why else would you want to cram into one apartment with your mom and two kids.   The apartment is spectacular, recently remodeled, bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, balcony (5th floor), and windows on both the east and west sides of the building.   The building is really ugly on the outside, picture a rectangular grey borg space ship, or any other soviet bloc apartment.  When the Ukraine gained independence, occupants of what had been government assigned apartments simply took ownership, claim staking style.   The only problem is that no one owned the building, and I don't know about the particular case of this building, but it seems common that the building and infrastructure that were communal, such stairwells, elevators, outside doors, and fire escapes are no longer communal, but also not now in private ownership.   This means I will not be using the elevator, and the lights in the stairwell are burned out, the outside of the building looks like crap, the water coming out of the faucets is rusty, and the hallways are a bit dirty.


From what I hope will be my apartment, I can see all four of великів мостів (tried to put genitive ending on the name to show possession, but I'm sure that's not quite right, I'll try in English) Velyki Mosty's religious establishments.   Russian Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Catholic and a long abandoned/burnt/bombed Synagogue.  My lack of spelling skill constantly amazes me.   The Synagogue was of course destroyed by the Nazis, some residents saying that it was burned with the remaining Jews inside, but others saying that all of the Jews had already been rounded up or escaped when it was gutted.   There used to be a vibrant Jewish community here, but now apparently there are none.  Being in a place with such vivid memorials to death, pain and war bring a sense of awareness that I never felt in the United States, even at the Vietnam Memorial.   There have been many wars fought on this land.  WWII was particularly brutal because both the Soviets as they first gave up Ukraine to Germany, and then Germany as the Soviets regained territory, practiced 'scorched earth'.   They wanted to leave no possible resources for the advancing enemy, so everything was burnt and destroyed, twice.  And of course the nazi genocide, executions of 'conspirators' by both sides.   Then Lenin and Stalin?  No words.


Tchaikovsky wrote a great violin concerto, even if he was Russian, and various Rus empires have sucked the blood out of Ukraine multiple times.   Right now listening to a recording of Jascha Heifetz that gives me goosebumps every time.  And now perhaps time to address the incongruence I've found in Ukraine.  


On my way home from checking out the apartment, the town fire truck passed me, small blue light rotating on top.   Then just past the stadium I see black smoke billowing up through the frost covered trees.  There were already many bystanders watching silently as a hopelessly under equipped fire department tried to stop a family's house from burning up.   The family meanwhile was frantically throwing all of their belongings out of one of the back windows.  The lack of credit/high interest rates have made house insurance almost non-existent, and certainly not affordable.   All young men were helping, going into the smoky house holding their breath, and coming back out with armfuls of clothing, pictures, dishes, sheets, and a clock.  The first small truck had already emptied it's water tank, and the second didn't look very big.  The firefighters were not well trained, the hose getting tangled and the signals as to how much pressure the man on the roof wanted confused.   Not that I know much about fighting fires, but it seems that you should aim at he base of the fire.  The man with the hose didn't seem to be aiming at all, just spraying water in through the upstairs window, where the smoke was coming out.   Their was also a bucket brigade from the well in through the back window, where the belongings were coming out.  A man was climbing the power line pole, and clipped the lines going to the house.   I felt helpless, there was no fire hydrant, the second truck was running out of water, leaving only buckets.  I wanted to help, but had no idea what the gas situation was, and simply was not willing to be a hero and risk my life to save material property, especially having just seen on the news the aftermath of a gas explosion.   That was about as much as I had time to see, because the principle of my school grabbed my arm and said it was better not to watch as she led me back to the school.   She had come down the street to see why the power had been cut.


So where am I going with all this?  I'm in a house with every modern amenity except for internet, I am about to move into a beautiful apartment, yet the fire department has trucks from 1960 and no breathing apparati.   The town has no fire hydrants, pot hole repair, street lights or library.  Everything is holding together in Ukraine, but there are cracks.   I can't tell yet whether those cracks are getting smaller or larger.  Of course the longer I'm here the more I will notice, which will skew my view.   And not to say that the US doesn't have any cracks, which may also be growing, sending us toward hard times.


Indoor soccer was cancelled tonight because the upper class' Christmas performance was pushed back thanks to the power outage, and the performance is in the sports hall.   I was really excited about the apartment, then hesitant about having less language practice, but then tonight when my host dad did not believe that I could make pasta for myself, did not think I knew how much oil I wanted with the onions, and no, I didn't want salt in the water, and yes I can dump the boiling water into the colander without burning myself.   I've been making pasta since I was 10.  Just because I speak and read like a child does not mean I think like one, or cook like one.   I think some of the constant supervision is due to curiosity, how do Americans do it, but there is also just a lack of belief that I can live by myself.  Patience.   January 23rd, I'll be on my own.  Up too late again, will probably be good to live without a computer for a while. I'm typing this in Andre's room, my host brother, he only comes back on weekends and holidays from University in L'viv.   Not sure when I'll actually post this monstrously long monstrosity.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


has been covering everything for two days.  It dulls all color, making the grass, trees, cars, and buildings blend in with the grey sky.   It even starts to build on my coat as I walk to school, covering my beard where my breath hits, grabbing and sticking.  The run earlier this morning was cold as usual, but peaceful and pretty.   I ran into some men cutting Christmas trees, who ask me something about what sport I play (because I'm wearing a soccer jersey on the outside), and I just respond by saying I'm going to the Olympics, which gets a good chuckle.   At the beginning of the week I was trying really hard to figure out what to do with myself, not really having any work to do.  Today I have decided just to go with the flow, and enjoy my holidays while they last.   I am sure that I will have plenty of work as soon as classes start in January, and be wishing I was back in my winter holidays.  So the alarm clock has been turned off, I sleep in, watch soccer, write letters, study Ukrainian and generally just keep myself entertained.   I may try to meet some more people in town, especially at the music schools, but the cold weather seems to keep most people inside buildings and pre-established social circles.   I do need to find/buy/construct a music stand, and that will give me a pretense for wandering into the art schools.  Today I can go watch the older kids at their Christmas concert, but I may head home and continue reading Ukrainian children books.

The rest of the day after christmas morning…


Was always a sort of a let down

The anticipation, present opening, parents off work, all winding down, and realizing that we had to wait another whole year for the next one.   In that way, it was sort of nice that there was no ceremony, no presents, no day off work, no anticipation.

So what did I do on December 25th?  I slept in, all the way to 8, which felt really good, something about sleeping till it's light outside just feels better.   Then I ran through my favorite forest, which I am still discovering, and actually found a small hill, pretty exciting.  I also found out that the signs I see on occasional trees say "no hunting" and "no cutting live wood" rather than what my wild imagination had created over the last couple days about radiation, land mines, human remains, hunting, chemical spills, wolves, and military live fire areas.   I went out intending 4 miles, but somehow got turned around enough that it had been 48 minutes by the time I got back.   I'll call it 6, because although I hav'nt checked my pace in months, I'm pretty sure I hav'nt slipped below the 8 min mark.  Again my beard was super white, covered with frost from my breath.   It has been good to avoid roads, and the stares that I get, although I do understand the spectacle of somebody running (I've only seen one Ukrainian running, in the very western city of L'viv), in tights, with their face covered in ice.

After my run, I made myself musli, really getting addicted to whole milk, so creamy.   Searched the tv for soccer games, wrote a letter in Ukrainian to Vitya (my host brother in Kiyvska oblast), and went to school in time for the 3rd form Yalenka=christmas tree celebration.   Lots of skits, memorized poems, traditional jokes and dancing.  Unfortunately it seems as though the two teachers who had accordians out were largely replaced by recordings of popular music.   Ukrainian pop music reminds me a lot of Mexican music on the radio in New Mexico .  Always a strong beat, sad sounding vocals, simple chord progressions, cheesy key changes, you know.  Not that I don't like it, in moderation.   It just got old the 4th time I heard the same song, or maybe it was different songs that sounded like the same song. That's the problem with pop everywhere.  

I left the concert before it was over to accompany Irena to a tutoring session because this particular student spent two years in the US, and wanted a chance to practice with a native speaker.  In return I got to use their internet, which was the fastest I have used in Ukraine.  Pity I didn't remember to upload pictures.  

Then grocery shopping, showing me where the best stores are for particular items, I'm really sad that she will be on maternity leave for most of my service in Velyki Mosty.   Then this evening I have spent on the phone with family and friends, listening to some good Ukrainian music, and eating печево (cookies).

And why am I writing the longest blog entry ever?   Earlier I had decided to only write on my blog when I was online, and to live in the present when not.  But since I have run out of books, and really don't have any work until the other teachers finish giving and grading final exams, I have decided that it's a form of entertainment, and not prohibiting my community integration in any way.   My host mom and dad are watching tv, and Andre is only home on the weekends, I'm listening to Ukrainian music, more of which I understand since learning озеро слиз (the lake of tears). 

And the last thing to mention before going to bed is my prowd new occupance of an office in the school.   Not very many teachers have there own office, and while mine is small, it is beautifully decorated with drawings and piantings which spilled over from the art class next door.   I hope the other teachers are not jealous, but I think they enjoy the social atmosphere of the teachers room. Actually I might try to spend time there myself to try to be more in tune with the teachers I will be working with.   It is really nice to have a place to keep my materials, and do planning in quite and focused environment.  I always like keeping work separate from my living space, so this will allow me to continue that trend.  

The days are getting longer and each day brings new surprises.   Seepy time.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Warning signs?

I wonder what the signs say in the forest I run in?
Maybe I should wear an orange wool hat?
My only comfort is that the symbol for radiation is universal, and that is not on the signs.
Merry Christmas

Monday, December 24, 2007

Pretent it's Friday

Where was I.  Oh yes, the end of training.   The highlight by far was the talent show, where my cluster performed Ozero Sleez (Lake of Tears), a rap/pop song by the infamous New Z Cool & Qeens, in Ukrainian, with a choreographed dance, I have the video on my camera and will eagerly post it when I have a highspeed connection.

What else happened?  Well I passed the LPI, had an intensive day of informative, too informative classes, with a teacher from my new school.   They sent Irena, also a first year teacher, to Kyiv for our end of training conference to get some idea of what exactly an American can help them with at school, and also to help me carry my equipment.   Oh yes, instead of giving me money to buy stuff when I get to the other side of the country, I was issued a big heater, one of those heavy ones on wheels, a fire extinguisher, and smoke/CO2 alarm.   That combined with the many manuals, books, and teaching materials that I have accumulated since arriving in October has inflated bag count from a very manageable and even movable 3 bags + violin to a completely ridiculous 5 bags + violin. The total has to be upward of 100kg.   I can learn Ukrainian and the metric system!

On Wednesday was swearing in, don't know why it's called that, since I still refuse to swear.   The big names showed up, including the ambassador, but most meaningful was the fact that all of the Kivshovata host families showed up. They are the sweatest people I know, and if all Ukrainians are like them, this is perhaps the kindest country I've been to.   It was really nice to hang out with Vitya for a bit longer, we explored the whole building, every single sweet and candy laid out (over $2000 was the official estimate from the host families, who would know since they run stores and sell the stuff), and proceeded to confuse all of the embassy officials there because Vitya was wearing a shirt that said CIA on it.   I tried to explain to Vitya what that was, but I don't think he got it.

Wednesday night I left the cluster, really felt like leaving the nest.   I was ready to go, but I know in a few more days away from them, it will really hit me that they are more than a kilometer or two away at all times. 

Thursday was the first day back in B. Mosty.  I forgot how flat it is here.   The overnight trains are really nice.  I may sleep better on trains than I do in beds.  Slavic (new host dad) came to pick us (Irena and I) up so we didn't have to brave the marshrutkas.  

Today is Friday, and now I'm off to meet the PE teacher, apparently one of the only other young teachers.   He loves basketball, but I'm sure he'll know some soccer players also. 

From YoYo

Friday, December 21, 2007

I'm Official

A real volunteer, done with training, at my community, in my school, helping kids learn english, learning about the world, letting Ukrainians learn a bit about me, and the truth about America.  Sort of...
Of course it's not as easy as it sounds.  Right now my school has one more week of classes, mostly tests, and I have no idea what my teaching schedule will be in the spring, nobody has their schedule yet.  So I'm trying to learn where everything is, in school and town, remember all my co-workers names, find a soccer team, some other musicians, and generally just stay out of everybody's way.  My language ability is good enough to get around, ranked by peace corps as "intermediate-mid" on my language proficiency interview. 
More to come later...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

So close

Just a few more days of training left.
On tuesday I will teach a demontratin class for peace corps officials to show that I can teach english to 7th graders using the communicative approach. Then my cluster will conduct a teacher training community project.
On wednesday I will have my language proficiency interview
friday we will throw all the teachers a party
saturday we will have a party with the host families
and Monday morning we are off to Kyiv to become official volunteers
they will give us heaters, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and a whole lot more paperwork.
by wednesday next week I will be in Veliky Mosty, just in time for winter holidays,
but it will be good not to have to start teaching immediately
looking forward to the winter solstice
we had one cold week, but it's been mostly above freezing
aparently winter really starts in january
all very exciting, very busy, and busy
still keeping up about 30-40 miles/week
mostly in predawn darkness on deserted country roads
internet time has run out again, perhaps I will have more regular access at my new site. Happy holiday season...