Here is a new address, should anybody want to send a letter or postcard.
I will be moving to Veliky Mosty in 3ish weeks, about the same time mail takes to arrive.
голово славік
йозеф бартелс
вул. шевченка 74
м. великі мости
р-н сокальський
обл. львівська
After visiting my new site I am very impressed and ready to start work.
My new school will have internet, printer, copier which will be very helpful in preparing for class
It is a town of about 5000
I am excited to start teaching there and also about a few other projects I will implement.
HIV/AIDS education and working with the younger teachers to implement the communicative method.
There is also an indoor soccer facility in the neighboring town
and I'm only an hour away from L'viv, should I want to catch an opera.
I will be living with a host family for about a month, then moving into my own apartment
probably in one of the soviet style blocks
all this excitement happens after I become and offical peace corps volunteer on Dec. 19
making bean burritos for thanksgiving, internet time, out...