Friday, February 29, 2008

March Weather

Some lessons are just boring.  I hate it when my creativity fails, when the 7th form is speaking about houses and apartments for the umpteenth time, and there is just no way to make that interesting on a Friday afternoon with beautiful weather outside.  Even the new adjectives fail to make it interesting.  I wish I had more control over the topics, and could skip around and apply the new adjectives to something that would be interesting to them, like what they're going to do after school.

Dream apartment may be over.  The school has found a cheaper apartment, or one that is owned by someone who works at the school, or is a friend.  Since the school is responsible for my housing, I basically have no choice.  If they want to pay their money to a friend rather than my wonderful landlady, I have to move.  The final word will come on Tuesday, when luckily my director is visiting.  He is absolutely fluent in English and Ukrainian.

Finally cut my hair and beard, inspired by the warmer weather.  Of course this morning was well below freezing, so I regretted the decision on my run.  Cold chin.  Razor blades are pretty expensive. 

Got some annoying diarrhea somehow, the compote given to me may have been watered down with tap water.  Started on Sunday, went away Tuesday, came back on Wednesday.  No blood, cramps or nausea, but even so a struggle to stay hydrated and not abrade my butt with the recycled toilet paper.  If it lasts until Sunday, I'll call the PC and get it checked out.  The only reason I'm waiting is I don't want to go to Kyiv again, at least not over the weekend, and if I have enough energy to run and play soccer (albeit slowly and lazily), it can't be that serious.  Right?  Maybe I have a worm.  That would be a good story.

I have decided not to password protect my blog, only to post on it with even greater consciousness of what I say.  With that in mind, if anyone sees anything that could be even remotely offensive, let me know.  There are ways to point out and explain the many differences I find each day without being offensive.  If someone is offended, they are less likely to listen and think about the issue and more likely to just dismiss it.  One of the missions of Peace Corps is to build understanding between nations, and knowing physical and cultural differences is a good start.  Well, got to go to the bathroom, again, then Ukrainian tutoring.  My attempt to learn vocabulary while typing this didn't work too well.