Monday, April 7, 2008

April 4

Pedagogical Priorities:  In America (the part of America on the north side of the equator within the borders of the United States of America (why do we get to be American's instead of United Statesians and is that unfair?) My nationality encompasses two continents, HA!), we often say "math is not his strong suit".  In the US, this does not translate into "he is a weak student", or "he is slow".  This could be a self fulfilling political correctness (it's actually useful!) or could reflect our beliefs about opportunity.  'No, he will not be a mathematician, but he might be a great writer.'  It pisses me off when people here get labeled as week, stupid, dumb and written off to go work in the mine and live in a bottle.  To me, it feels like libel, which the student often internalizes (no effort is made to keep these views secret).

How to spend my week off school for Easter break?

What is the correct response when 9th grader girls say the equivalent of "hey there hottie".  I have been going with the faked ignorance, pretending I can't understand what they are saying, but that only seems to encourage it, because they think they can say anything and I won't understand.  I guess I'll just have to start saying "not allowed, you can't say that".

The most delicious meal in recent history was grilled cheese sandwich dipped in Ukrainian salsa.  I am addicted to chocolate.  I carry a lot more weight up to my fifth floor apartment then I carry down.

There are very few jobs here that a student could have, before or after classes, or working only on the weekend. 

To buy a computer or not?