Tuesday, May 13, 2008


for itunes to download so I can put more Ukrainian music onto my ipod so that I can learn Ukrainian more quickly.  Music is great for language learning.  But it is taking so long and all the English teachers are going over to Iryna's house for a baby shower type thing and I don't want to be late.  83% come on...  Silas is going to prom. Summer plans are coming together nicely.  Going to stay on this side of the globe I think, although my cousin's wedding adds one more temptation to go back and see all my friends and family.  It is cool that sometimes I surprise people with my language skills now, mostly because they think an American would want to learn Russian.  They are pleased and feel respected that I am learning clean Ukrainian. 92%
I just finished a eally great collection of essays by Adolf Leopold.  "Sand Country Almanac" I think, although I might have gotten the name wrong. It is a series of environmental works writting in the 1940's.  He provides a philisophical framework for the concept of conservation and environmental ethics.  On top of that it's really well written and is not a "we're all going to die" type depressing environmental book. 96%  I want to recommend this book to everyone who appreciates plants, animals, air, land, water and the outdoors. 
I started a book called "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs" but I don't think I'm going to finish it.  He goes on too many tangents on what could be some interesting social commentary.
99%, I gotta run