Thursday, March 19, 2009

HIV prevention Training of Trainers

My HIV prevention trainings of trainers on February 27th and 28th were successful except for one major flaw. The teachers and students who attended the training are still not ready to conduct trainings on their own. But I am working to continue their education in presentation techniques because all the teachers agreed that this sort of presentation is needed and very useful. It is very difficult for them to conduct an interactive training based on activities and discussion rather than lecture because they have never done it before. Even in university few student's are exposed to true academic discussions and I haven't heard of any doing interactive multimedia presentations. So, I will present some positive and negative points that arose during my trainings.


The students were very enthusiastic and open minded.

The trainer from Kyiv arrived two hours late.

The teachers were knowledgeable and willing to discuss.

One teacher said that educating kids about condoms is not part of our culture.

One boy decided he isn't ready to have sex.

One person on said that they will not always use a condom with new or casual sexual partners (post training questionnaire).

All participants showed a greater tolerance of people living with HIV and less fear now that they are sure how the virus can be transmitted.

Most people still would keep their distance from a HIV positive friend.

Everyone learned more about condoms.

Some 10th graders weren't sure what ejaculation is.

Everyone agreed that the training was really interesting and useful.

Nobody wants to conduct these type of trainings on their own despite agreement that the curiculum as it stands is not sufficient.