Monday, March 24, 2008

back to school

Liam left on his journey back to Germany this morning.  I was getting used to having someone to talk to.  It was so much easier to cook for two people, actually he did lots of cooking and I washed the dishes.  What a sweet deal.  Seeing my life through his eyes was interesting.  How many weird things I now accept as normal and how nice and stable my situation is overall.  A steady income for 2 years, enough for everything I need.  How lucky I am.  Some of the highlights of his visit;  Two of the most crowded маршрутки (Mini Buses) I have ever been on and the coldest sunny weather since February.  He also got 2 days of snow and one day of rain which adds up what seems to be normal March weather.  I really enjoyed the break from being stared at, because with him in town, everyone was looking at him.  Also with his facial hair, I apparently look two years younger than him. 

         We did some visiting because Ukrainian people are so hospitable that even just the fact that he was my brother qualified him for multiple home-cooked meals.  It was interesting hearing what I'm sure people told me when I first came to Ukraine, but now that my language skills are better I can understand some of it.  The typical questions I was asked to translate for Liam were; how do you like Ukraine? (Liam quickly learned добре, which means good); how do you like our food?  Where is life better, USA or Germany?  What do you think about our roads?  How much does ____ cost in Germany?  Do you have a girlfriend?  It was odd how nearly ever person commented that the women here are very beautiful, and perhaps Liam would like to have a Ukrainian girlfriend.  

         Since I don't have a spring break, it was nice to have Liam to break up the routine, and do some interesting sight seeing.  We also made tons of delicious food together.  Now I've got that after summer camp feeling, like "awe man, I gotta go back to school?"  But hey, sometimes school is fun.

         Just had internet for a good 15 minutes, but couldn't log onto gmail.  Yahoo worked just fine.  Really want to print out my 5th form's pen pal letters.  Maybe I'll get to try it one more time.  I'm trying to save some money for summer travel, but this month got really expensive, so I don't even have enough to buy soccer cleats.  Looks like April will be another no meat, no cheese save money month.  Healthier that way anyway.