Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ministry for Magic

On Friday the link between PC and the education department invited me to speak at a workshop type event where the minister of education would be present. Only catch was I had to prepare a 7 minute presentation in Ukrainian. Of course I didn't practice as much as I should, and was still editing my note cards as I sat in the audience, but overall it came off nicely, understandable if not grammatically correct. But grammar has never been my strong point. Over all a huge honor to speak to the Minister of Education of Ukraine while representing the Peace Corps. First presentation in a foriegn language to an audience of 250 people. I recorded it on my phone but am not quite ready to listen to all my mistakes yet. Fun day. Yet again, full of adventures.
Now over to the train station to spend another night on the train back to Lviv, only to return again on Friday night, because I have to be in Kyiv on Saturday to chair the Environmental Working Group meeting. Busy times. Good because it distracts me from the last futile efforts of winter to make my life dark and grey.