Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More or less what I said in Ukrainian at a meeting in the Ministry of Education today

Mr. Minister. Respected Colleagues

Ukraine has bright, energetic, curious and beautiful children. Your children are willing to learn, eager to trust, full of potential.

Only this semester I have begun to teach 3rd and 4th forms. Since I believe the greatest improvement comes from a critical examination, most of the following comments will from areas that I believe need improvement based on my work in the 5th form in the school liceum of Velyki Mosty, Lvivska Oblast.
The top classes are really good, not only in English, but in all subjects. The struggling classes are far behind. Some 5th formers can hold basic conversations in English. Other struggle to read. Primary school is certainly not the beginning of this separation, but it definitely widens the gap. The main question is why there is such a large gap between the best and worst classes. This question can lead us to improvement for all children who study English. I see three areas to improve.

The first sphere is the general atmosphere and relations between the teacher and the students. Where there is a positive, organized, cooperative and professional relationship, the students do better. Based on conversations with volunteers all over the country, the relationship between students and teachers often mirrors relations between teachers and the administration. Where there is positive cooperation in both the classroom and principles office, students will find success.

The second sphere is the link between psychology and education. I see de-motivated kids every day when their grades are based on ability rather than effort. Those students who are behind are not encouraged to catch up. These children are often simply on a lower level of psychological development, and have no less intelligence than their successful friends. Also the best students are not motivated to give more effort, because they already have good marks.

The third sphere concerns "Multiple Intelligences". Each child has an equal ability to learn language. Learning language is hard wired into children’s brains. However, each child learns differently, which makes a teacher’s job challenging. Howard Gardner, in “Theory of Multiple Intelligences”, names 8 different kinds of intelligence. This leads us to the conclusion that there are at least 8 different learning styles, if not more. Many children combine various intelligences, but nobody is strong in all of them. Therefore, learning English requires activities for 5 senses and 8 different learning styles.

Some students use Karpiuk text books. Others buy their own foreign texts. Karpiuk has a great amount of material, but sometimes seems to loose sight of the fact that English is a skill, not specific information. Some exercises in Karpiuk are difficult even for me to complete because the content is not clear. Focused on information rather than the performable skill of English.

In conclusion, the greatest problem I see is also our greatest opportunity.

To improve the atmosphere in the classroom by setting clear expectations, maintaining fairness and always being professionally prepared.

To increase motivation by challenging all students and providing equal opportunities for success.

To remember all the different paths toward skills and knowledge, and that each class must reach out to as many learning styles as there are in the classroom.

If the future depends on your youth, then the future will be bright.