Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Base

So what happened?

Landlord sold the apartment.
School director pissed because she fixed up the apartment for me to live there.
Some empty apartments, but in the process of being sold, or owners nowhere to be found.

Grandmother of my best 8A student offered to rent me a room in her house. She lives alone even though she is not very old. She has two sons, both of whom live in town but are married (hence the grand-daughter). Or maybe only one is married and the other works at the military base. I only talked to her for a couple minutes while checking out what will be my new room. It has a gas heater and two beds. The house has no plumbing. The outhouse has a bucket under the hole. Where do they take the poop? Fertilizer I'm guessing. I wonder if that's something i'll get to help out with. I didn't even really take enough time to explore what animals she has. One dog I'm sure, but maybe others. I move in on Monday, February 16th. It's bound to be an adventure, as host families always are.